What is Walk and Talk Therapy?
Simply put, walk and talk therapy is counselling that is conducted whilst walking outdoors. It offers the opportunity for clients to express themselves in the changing natural environment. It is contracted in exactly the same way as more traditional counselling (with a few additions), and the focus is still on exploring relationships and issues together, to hopefully discover a resolution or opportunity for change.
Why might you want to try Walk and Talk Therapy?
Some clients suggest that it is more comfortable to share their thoughts walking side by side with a counsellor, rather than sitting opposite them face to face. Being outside can foster a better connection with nature and the world. There are also opportunities for less restricted movements and chances to engage with mindfullness. The walking aspect will also serve as physical exercise, which has both mental and general health benefits.
What is it like?
The first half-hour meeting will take place in the counselling room, to discuss the process, look through the contract and address any questions. The first counselling session will also take place in the counselling room and will form an assessment of your issues and goals, and cover any further questions. From there, sessions will be conducted as a walk. Routes may either start at the counselling room, or we may arrange to meet at another location. Sessions will be 50 minutes, and so walks may be circular or a decision will be made on when to turn round and head back to the start. On some routes there will be oportunities to sit, and clients may chose that only part of the session consists of walking. The routes will be decided jointly on a week by week basis, or you may chose to stick to the same route each time.
Frequently Asked Questions